Apache Nifi vs StreamSets

October 15, 2021

Apache Nifi vs StreamSets: A Factual Comparison

In today's data-driven world, data integration plays a crucial role in maintaining a competitive edge in business. Two top players in the data integration and ETL domain are Apache Nifi and StreamSets. Apache Nifi and StreamSets can help you streamline your data integration process through their Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI CD) capabilities.

Apache Nifi and StreamSets, both are open-source projects that come with an active community of contributors. At first glance, both Apache Nifi and StreamSets appear to be quite similar. However, there are some features, differences, and limitations which we will explore in this comparison article.

Ease of Use:

Apache Nifi is known for its ease of use, especially for non-technical users. It provides a web-based graphical user interface that simplifies the data flow, management, and transformation. With Apache Nifi, you can design data flow pipelines, and schedule, monitor, and manage the data flow using a visual UI. Even a non-technical team member can drag, drop, connect, and modify the data flow with visual representations of the flow.

StreamSets, on the other hand, provides a similar graphical interface to design and manage data flows. StreamSets' data pipelines are modeled as a sequence of stages, making it easier to visualize and understand the flow. StreamSets is customizable via the SDK, making it more customizable than Apache Nifi, which is often used by enterprise teams whose business processes require specific functionalities.

Scalability and Performance:

Scalability and performance are vital to keep the data flow uninterrupted. With Apache Nifi, you can run multiple instances/processors of Nifi on different servers for horizontal scaling. Apache Nifi has a cluster manager, which manages and monitors the nodes in the cluster for seamless and uninterrupted processing. Apache Nifi also comes with powerful data prioritization and load balancing features, making it more efficient.

StreamSets also supports scalability and comes with a cluster manager for centralized management. StreamSets can scale out the pipelines across multiple nodes, making it an efficient solution for parallel processing.

Integration and Compatibility:

One of the reasons for the popularity of Apache Nifi and StreamSets is that they support almost every data source, destination and can be integrated with almost every third-party application. Apache Nifi can connect with various sources like databases, messaging systems, APIs, streaming platforms, etc. It also supports various data formats, including XML, JSON, CSV, etc.

StreamSets provides a Data Collector that integrates with almost any data source and destination, including Hadoop, Kafka, Elasticsearch, and more. It supports various data formats, including JSON, XML, and Avro. StreamSets also provides a pre-built library of SQL templates to simplify transformation and migration between different data sources.


Apache Nifi and StreamSets are both open-source and free to use with several add-ons available. However, enterprises may purchase support and additional features through vendor support or third-party consulting services.


Both Apache Nifi and StreamSets have their strengths and weaknesses, and they are highly customizable and scalable. Apache Nifi specializes in ease of use, while StreamSets is better suited for technical users who require customization. Apache Nifi edges out StreamSets in user-friendliness and versatility. Nonetheless, they are highly comparable in providing efficient, scalable data integration tools. Therefore, when comparing Apache Nifi vs StreamSets, the choice should depend on the organization’s specific data integration requirements.

We hope this comparison helped you gain insights and informed your decision for selecting the right data integration tool for your organization.


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